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Virulence Differences in Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici from the Central and Eastern United States

    Authors and Affiliations
    • Christina Cowger
    • Lucky Mehra
    • Consuelo Arellano
    • Emily Meyers
    • J. Paul Murphy
    1. First author: Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC; and first, second, and fourth authors: Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, third author: Department of Statistics, and fifth author: Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, North Carolina State University, Raleigh 27695.

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    Wheat powdery mildew is a disease of global importance that occurs across a wide geographic area in the United States. A virulence survey of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici, the causal agent, was conducted by sampling 36 wheat fields in 15 U.S. states in the years 2013 and 2014. Using a hierarchical sampling protocol, isolates were derived from three separated plants at each of five separated sites within each field in order to assess the spatial distribution of pathotypes. In total, 1,017 isolates from those fields were tested individually on single-gene differential cultivars containing a total of 21 powdery mildew resistance (Pm) genes. Several recently introgressed mildew resistance genes from wild wheat relatives (Pm37, Pm53, MlAG12, NCAG13, and MlUM15) exhibited complete or nearly complete resistance to all local B. graminis f. sp. tritici populations from across the sampled area. One older gene, Pm4b, also retained at least some efficacy across the sampled area. The B. graminis f. sp. tritici population sampled from Arkansas and Missouri, on the western edge of the eastern soft red winter wheat region, had virulence profiles more similar to other soft wheat mildew populations than to the geographically closer population from hard wheat fields in the Plains states of Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Kansas. The Plains population differed in that it was avirulent to several Pm genes long defeated in the soft-wheat-growing areas. Virulence complexity was greatest east of the Mississippi River, and diminished toward the west. Several recently introgressed Pm genes (Pm25, Pm34, Pm35, and NCA6) that are highly effective against mildew in the field in North Carolina were unexpectedly susceptible to eastern-U.S. B. graminis f. sp. tritici populations in detached-leaf tests. Sampled fields displayed a wide range of pathotype diversity and spatial distribution, suggesting that epidemics are caused by varying numbers of pathotypes in all regions. The research confirmed that most long-used Pm genes are defeated in the eastern United States, and the U.S. B. graminis f. sp. tritici population has different virulence profiles in the hard- and soft-wheat regions, which are likely maintained by host selection, isolation by distance, and west-to-east gene flow.

    Wheat powdery mildew, caused by Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici, is a globally damaging disease that occurs to varying degrees in most wheat-growing regions of the United States. Historically, within the United States, it has been most damaging in the mid-Atlantic states; however, weather patterns combined with large acreages of susceptible cultivars have recently resulted in multiyear periods of unusually severe and extensive powdery mildew outbreaks in the southeastern states, especially Georgia, and in Montana (J. Johnson and M. Burrows, personal communications). Thus, the geographic range over which powdery mildew epidemics are sometimes or often severe is expanding in the United States.

    B. graminis f. sp. tritici oversummers as chasmothecia or mycelium on wheat stubble. In mildew-prone areas, it typically infects susceptible winter wheat crops as soon as weather allows. Early epidemic initiation allows for additional cycles of asexual reproduction. A trend toward warmer winters in the eastern United States, which is predicted (Melillo et al. 2014), should increase the frequency and severity of B. graminis f. sp. tritici epidemics by encouraging earlier epidemic onset.

    There have been two previous virulence surveys of the U.S. B. graminis f. sp. tritici population at roughly one-decade intervals. In 1993 and 1994, 520 isolates were derived from samples originating from 17 states, and virulence frequencies were determined (Niewoehner and Leath 1998). In 2003 and 2005, the population in 10 locations in the southeastern United States was sampled, and a collection of 207 isolates was characterized for virulence (Parks et al. 2008).

    Shifts in virulence are common in this pathogen population. Most of the wheat powdery mildew resistance (Pm) genes that have been widely deployed in the United States have been defeated. In recent times, the most consequential shifts in B. graminis f. sp. tritici virulence in the mid-Atlantic United States have been the defeat of Pm3a (cultivar Saluda, late 1980s), Pm4a (cultivar Roane, mid- to late 1990s), and Pm17 (cultivars Tribute and McCormick) (Cowger et al. 2009; Niewoehner and Leath 1998; Parks et al. 2008). Pm17 was originally introgressed along with greenbug (Schizaphis graminum) resistance, the primary trait of interest, via a 1AL.1RS wheat-rye translocation into wheat germplasm line Amigo in Oklahoma (Sebesta and Wood 1978). In the mid-Atlantic United States, cultivars bearing Pm17 were released in 2002 and planted on large acreages starting in 2004 (Griffey et al. 2005a, b); the gene’s breakdown began in 2009 (Cowger et al. 2009) and was complete in that region by 2012 (authors’ personal observations).

    Although partially mildew-resistant wheat backgrounds are essential and have provided durable resistance in some settings (Brown 2015), genes that even temporarily confer high levels of resistance have also been necessary to achieve adequate protection of wheat crops in the mid-Atlantic United States. In North Carolina, starting in 1987, 16 new and highly effective resistance sources have been identified in diploid and tetraploid common wheat relatives and introgressed into a soft red winter wheat background adapted to the eastern United States, resulting in five Pm gene and two temporary gene designations (Cowger et al. 2012; Petersen et al. 2015; Worthington et al. 2014). These genes were introgressed from relatives in the Triticum and Aegilops genera.

    To update information on B. graminis f. sp. tritici virulence patterns in the United States, we conducted a large, multistate survey in 2013 and 2014. With the help of collaborators in 15 states, we sought to determine frequencies of virulence to both the older Pm genes and some of the genes recently introgressed from wild wheat relatives.

    Prior to the present study, an observed feature of the U.S. B. graminis f. sp. tritici population was the difference between the U.S. Plains, where hard wheat is grown, and the eastern soft-wheat area. The gene Pm3a was effective in Texas in 1993 and 1994 (Niewoehner and Leath 1998) and still remained effective in Oklahoma in 2008 (Chen et al. 2009). Meanwhile, in 1993 to 1994, the frequency of virulence to Pm3a was intermediate (50 to 56%) in Kansas, Indiana, and Kentucky in 1993 and generally high (50 to 100%) in the Great Lakes and eastern-seaboard states of North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Georgia (Niewoehner and Leath 1998). The frequency of virulence to Pm3a reached 100% in the mid-Atlantic and southeastern states by 2003 and 2005 (Parks et al. 2008).

    Our research using presumably neutral molecular markers had indicated that the B. graminis f. sp. tritici populations east and west of the Appalachian Mountains were genetically subdivided, with migration generally from west to east (Cowger et al. 2016). B. graminis f. sp. tritici populations were isolated by distance, suggesting relatively local inoculum sources rather than annual continent-scale extinction and recolonization, and the Southeast and Southern Plains populations were genetically distinct from the Great Lakes and Mid-Atlantic populations (Cowger et al. 2016). The detection of migration from west to east but not from east to west (Cowger et al. 2016) helped explain the maintenance of Pm3a effectiveness in the Plains but not in the eastern United States.

    The present virulence survey occurred approximately a decade after the last survey and covered a wider geographic area. The aim was to assess the distribution of frequencies of virulence to both old and new Pm genes and the implications for Pm-gene deployment, and we hypothesized that these frequencies would vary among regions. In addition, the sampling was conducted at a hierarchy of spatial scales, including at multiple within-field sites, in order to better understand how local epidemics originate and develop, and the distribution of both selected and nonselected variation. The part of the study described here concerns virulence but other aspects of the sampled population, including fungicide sensitivity and population structure, were also assessed, and those results will be reported separately.


    Mildew sampling and isolate collection.

    Whole wheat plants with B. graminis f. sp. tritici pustules were kindly collected by collaborators in a total of 15 states over 2 years (Fig. 1; Table 1). B. graminis f. sp. tritici isolates were recovered from plants received from 20 fields across 11 different states in 2013 and 16 fields across 13 states in 2014. Plants were sampled from fields of susceptible or moderately susceptible wheat cultivars (in five fields, the cultivar was unknown) that were not treated with fungicides prior to sampling. GPS coordinates were provided for fields and, in a few cases, for sites within fields. In most cases, three plants, each separated by approximately 1 m from each other, were sampled at each of five widely separated sites per field; the plants were bagged separately for shipment. In the lab, spore transfers were attempted from five different leaves or stems of each sampled plant. Thus, the protocol resulted in up to 75 isolates per field.

    Fig. 1.

    Fig. 1. Locations from which samples of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici were collected in 2013 and 2014. Field numbers 1 to 20 were sampled in 2013 and numbers 21 to 36 were sampled in 2014. Regions are indicated in ovals; AR-MO = Arkansas and Missouri.

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    TABLE 1. Year of collection, nearest town, and cultivar of origin of 1,017 Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici isolates derived from 36 U.S. wheat fields in 2013 and 2014

    Isolates were cultured by tapping infected tissue over detached leaf segments of the universally susceptible cultivar Chancellor (CI 12333) placed on 0.5% benzimidazole-amended water agar. Genetically pure isolates were obtained through two rounds of single-spore subculturing, which resulted in a total of 1,017 individual isolates, 584 of which were derived in 2013 and 433 in 2014 (Table 1). Isolates were maintained on detached-leaf plates at 17°C with 12 h of light, and transferred to fresh leaf tissue every 10 days.

    Virulence ratings.

    The virulence profile of each isolate was determined using detached leaves of a set of 15 differential wheat lines in 2013 and 20 lines in 2014, where each line contained a single Pm gene (Table 2). Each plate contained a block of leaf segments consisting of two end-to-end segments of each differential line. In addition, one leaf segment of Chancellor was placed along each of the four edges of the block as a susceptible control. The plate was the experimental unit, and two such plates were inoculated per isolate, resulting in two replicates (each with two leaf segments) per differential line for each isolate. Differential plates were inoculated using settling towers to evenly distribute spores across the plates and leaf surfaces, and plates were incubated under the conditions described above.

    TABLE 2. Genes used in virulence tests of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici isolates collected from the eastern United States in 2013 and 2014a

    Ten days postinoculation, each leaf segment was rated for B. graminis f. sp. tritici growth and sporulation using a previously described 0-to-9 rating scale, where 0 = no symptoms and 9 = entire leaf segment covered in large pustules (Parks et al. 2008). Numerical ratings were then converted into three categories: 0 to 3 = resistant, 4 to 6 = intermediate, and 7 to 9 = susceptible.

    Data analyses.

    Fields were grouped into regions according to geography and previous data on population subdivision (Cowger et al. 2016; Parks et al. 2009), and by observation of trends in the current dataset. For example, it was clear that the Arkansas-Missouri (AR-MO) population derived from soft wheats possessed different virulence characteristics than the adjacent Plains population derived from hard wheats (details in Results section below) and, therefore, these two populations were separated for virulence frequency calculations. The five regions were the Plains, AR-MO, Great Lakes, Mid-Atlantic, and Southeast (Fig. 1).

    Virulence frequencies were calculated by combining the intermediate and susceptible categories to create a binary virulence or avirulence designation. For each Pm gene, regions were determined to be the same or different in virulence frequency using a Fisher’s exact test.

    Virulence complexity.

    To evaluate virulence complexity (VC), or the degree to which isolates could overcome multiple Pm genes, the analysis was restricted to the 12 genes that were tested against both years’ collections: Pm1a, 1b, 2, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 6, 8, 17, MlAG12 and MlUM15. For each isolate, VC was defined as (number of genes to which the isolate was virulent/12 genes tested) × 100.

    To visualize the way that VC was distributed geographically, contour plots were created from the predictions of a quadratic regression model of the form VC = Intercept + β1 ⋅ LAT + β2 ⋅ LON + β3 ⋅ LAT2 + β4 ⋅ LON2 + β5 ⋅ LAT ⋅ LON, where LAT = latitude, LON = longitude, and β1 to β5 are regression parameter estimates. Isolates derived from the same plant had the same latitude and longitude; therefore, the VC for the location of plant 1 was the average VC for all isolates derived from that plant. The regression equations were fitted using PROC REG in SAS (version 9.3; SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). The contours were then plotted on the U.S. map using ArcMap (v. 10.2; Esri, Redlands, CA).

    Pathotype richness or evenness and spatial aggregation.

    The sampling protocol allowed us to assess the degree of spatial aggregation of pathotypes within fields (i.e., among sites) and among fields in order to make inferences about within-season epidemic origin and spread. We expected availability and abundance of initial inoculum to influence richness (the number of different pathotypes in a sample) and evenness (the degree to which pathotypes are equally present in a sample). In a field, an epidemic started by a relatively small number of pathotypes should yield a sample with lower pathotype richness than one started by a large number of pathotypes. In addition, an epidemic started by a given number of pathotypes could lead to either a well-mixed sample in which pathotypes were at relatively even frequencies across sampling sites in the field or one in which pathotypes were associated with site. Our hypothesis was that fields would differ in the degree of pathotype aggregation by site because some would have an initially less abundant or less well-mixed initial pool of inoculum. Of course, relative fitness of pathotypes would affect richness and evenness at the time of sampling. Pm genes in the host crop were not expected to play a large role in selection of pathotypes, given that mainly cultivars without effective Pm genes were sampled.

    For these analyses, two isolates were assumed to have the same pathotype if they had the same profile of virulence or avirulence to all 12 Pm genes. The pathotype of each isolate was represented with concatenated 1s and 0s, where 1 indicated virulence to a Pm gene and 0 indicated avirulence, using the order of Pm genes given in Table 2.

    The per-field richness and evenness of pathotypes were evaluated by calculating Shannon’s diversity index (H′) (Shannon and Weaver 1949), Simpson’s index (Simpson 1949), and Hill’s evenness index (Hill 1973). Rarefied species richness was computed using the function rarefy in the package vegan of R (v. 3.3.3).

    The degree of per-site similarity of pathotype occurrence was assessed using the R package “cooccur” (Griffith et al. 2016), which provided a probabilistic measure of sites sharing a common pathotype, and may be interpreted as a similarity measurement for sites sharing one or more pathotypes. A low co-occurrence probability would indicate that a pair of sites had a low number of common pathotypes. Arithmetic averages were used to produce a single co-occurrence probability across sites with the field. The maximum level of similarity among five sites in a hypothetical field with five pathotypes would be 1.0 if each site had frequency = 0.2 for each pathotype. Only fields with five sampled sites were considered, which excluded six fields (Table 3).

    TABLE 3. Number and diversity of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici pathotypes sampled from 34 U.S. wheat fields in 2013 and 2014

    As an additional measure of pathotype similarity among sites, the Sorenson distance was calculated. The average Sorenson distance per field and its 95% confidence interval were calculated with package “oecosim” within library vegan (Oksanen et al. 2017). Simulated random samples under the null assumption of independence were generated using method “r2table”, which assures fixed marginal frequencies for rows and columns for each simulated sample. Pairwise Sorensen distances (dissimilarities) were generated from each sample and their mean value was calculated. After n = 599 simulations, the simulated distribution of the mean Sorensen distance was used to calculate a mean value, and its 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles to be used as limits of the 95% confidence interval for pairwise Sorensen distances in a given field.

    A larger value for Sorenson distance indicated that sampling sites tended to have distinct sets of pathotypes. A high probability of pathotype co-occurrence [prob(cooccur)] indicated that a common set of pathotypes were present at each site. Smaller Sorenson distances and higher prob(cooccur) would be expected to be associated. In general, it was thought that, if sites within a field had highly similar pathotypes, this would suggest that the epidemic was started by a set of pathotypes that either at the initiation or later became relatively evenly distributed across the field. If sites within a field were very different with regard to pathotype presence, it suggested that the epidemic was started in different parts of the field by different pathotypes that did not become evenly distributed throughout the field.


    The frequencies of virulence found in each region in 2013 and 2014 are grouped by category below.

    Genes effective everywhere.

    Pm genes to which there was little to no virulence (frequencies in all regions were < 0.11) in all regional B. graminis f. sp. tritici populations were Pm1a, 1b, 16, 36, 37, 53, MlAG12, NCAG13, and MlUM15 (Tables 4 and 5). Single-gene differential lines bearing those genes are also resistant in North Carolina field efficacy studies (Table 2). These genes are hypothesized to be broadly effective throughout the U.S. range of B. graminis f. sp. tritici. Virulence frequencies were not significantly different among regions in either year for Pm1a, 1b, MlAG12, or MlUM15 (P ≥ 0.17); in 2013 for Pm16 (P = 0.30) or Pm36 (no virulence anywhere); or in 2014 for Pm37, Pm53, or NCAG13 (P ≥ 0.14) (Tables 4 and 5).

    TABLE 4. Proportion of isolates collected from five geographic regions in the eastern United States in 2013 that were virulent to wheat powdery mildew resistance (Pm) genesa

    TABLE 5. Proportion of isolates collected from five geographic regions in the eastern United States in 2014 that were virulent to wheat powdery mildew resistance (Pm) genesa

    Genes largely or entirely defeated.

    Genes that were defeated everywhere (virulence frequencies in all regions were ≥ 0.96) were Pm3f and Pm6 (Tables 4 and 5). Those genes were also mostly or entirely defeated by North Carolina field populations, although Pm6 retained some efficacy under lighter disease pressure (Table 2). Virulence frequencies were not significantly different among regions in 2014 for Pm3f (P = 1.0) or in either year for Pm6 (P ≥ 0.21). In the case of Pm6, the intermediate (not fully virulent) proportion of isolates in the 2 years was 0.20 to 0.42 of all isolates in the Mid-Atlantic and Plains regions and 0.14 to 0.28 in AR-MO (Tables 4 and 5 and data not shown).

    For Pm8, all populations were virulent except the 2013 population from AR-MO, which was avirulent (Tables 4 and 5). Regional frequencies differed for Pm17 virulence in 2013 (P = 0.001), with virulence being higher in the Mid-Atlantic and lower in the Plains, but they did not differ in 2014 (P = 0.24). For both Pm8 and Pm17 in every region, a significant fraction of the virulent isolates produced an intermediate reaction (Tables 4 and 5). For Pm8, the intermediate isolates were 0.21 to 0.34 of the total, except in 2014, when they were 0.62 in AR-MO. For Pm17, the intermediate proportion was 0.45 to 0.67 of the total. Under North Carolina field conditions, Pm8 confers partial resistance to B. graminis f. sp. tritici, collapsing under heavy mildew pressure, whereas Pm17 is completely defeated by those field populations (Table 2).


    Among the Pm genes tested, this gene was unique in that B. graminis f. sp. tritici populations from all regions in both years exhibited low to moderate frequencies (0.08 to 0.29) of virulence to it (Tables 4 and 5). In the field in North Carolina, this gene confers partial resistance that breaks down under high powdery mildew pressure (Table 2).

    Genes effective in field but not in lab.

    An unusual pattern was observed with four of the genes recently introgressed from wild wheat relatives: Pm25, Pm34, Pm35, and NCA6. They conferred resistance to North Carolina populations of B. graminis f. sp. tritici in the field (Table 2) but failed in the laboratory detached-leaf experiments against most isolates from every U.S. region except the Plains (Table 5). By contrast, as described above, the other genes recently introgressed from wild wheat relatives (Pm37, Pm53, MlAG12, NCAG13, and MlUM15) were effective both against North Carolina B. graminis f. sp. tritici field populations and in detached-leaf tests against isolates from all regions. Pm25, Pm34, Pm35, and NCA6 are all from diploid donors Triticum monococcum and Aegilops tauschii (Table 2), although the connection if any is unclear.

    Most AR-MO isolates were avirulent to Pm25, like the Plains population, but displayed intermediate virulence to Pm34, Pm35, and NCA6, like isolates from other soft-wheat regions. With all four of these mildew resistance genes, in the detached-leaf experiments, intermediate responses were produced by substantial percentages (0.24 to 0.91, usually >0.50) of the isolates from the soft-wheat regions of the Mid-Atlantic, Great Lakes, Southeast, and AR-MO (Table 5). With Pm25, AR-MO isolates were 0.76 avirulent and 0.24 intermediate; there were no completely virulent responses. By contrast, Plains isolates only exhibited a large proportion (0.47) of intermediate responses to one of the four genes, Pm35, and were overwhelmingly avirulent to the others.

    Older genes with regionally specific effectiveness.

    In both years, the majority of isolates from the Plains hard-wheat region were avirulent to several genes that have long been mostly defeated in other regions: Pm2, Pm3a, Pm3b, and Pm4a (Tables 4 and 5). This indicates that those genes are likely to remain effective in the southern portion of the U.S. hard-wheat region, even though they are ineffective elsewhere. It suggests that Pm2, Pm3a, Pm3b, and Pm4a have not been widely deployed in Plains commercial hard wheat. The same regionally specific avirulence was observed for isolates from the AR-MO soft-wheat region with respect to Pm2 in both years. Pm2 appears to retain at least partial effectiveness in Arkansas and Missouri, as well as the Plains.


    B. graminis f. sp. tritici populations from both years had a median VC of six genes per isolate (Fig. 2). In 2013 and 2014, isolates with 5 to 7 virulences out of the 12 tested Pm genes accounted for approximately 73 and 83%, respectively, of all isolates tested. The VC of the 2014 population skewed higher than the 2013 population, with a larger percentage of 2014 isolates virulent to 7 of the 12 genes.

    Fig. 2.

    Fig. 2. Number of virulence genes per isolate of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici collected in 2013 and 2014 from a total of 15 U.S. states, based on 13 genes tested on both years’ populations: Pm1a, 1b, 2, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 6, 8, 17, 53, MlAG12, and MlUM15. Numbers of isolates tested were 564 to 584 in 2013 and 432 to 433 in 2014, except Pm53, which was tested against 410 isolates in 2013 and 387 isolates in 2014 (i.e., 195 isolates had missing data for Pm53).

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    From regression, the highest predicted VC in both years was east of the Mississippi River in the soft-wheat region, and predicted VC diminished going west (Fig. 3). In 2013, the highest-VC area was in the Great Lakes region, particularly Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Kentucky (Fig. 3A). In 2014, the longitude of the highest predicted-VC region remained the same but the center of that region had shifted south to encompass the southern parts of Indiana and Ohio and the northern portions of Alabama and Georgia (Fig. 3B). Averaging the 2 years together, mean VC ranged from 30% in the Plains to 50 to 51% in the Great Lakes, Mid-Atlantic, and Southeast regions.

    Fig. 3.

    Fig. 3. Virulence complexity predictions by longitude and latitude, based on A, 547 Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici isolates collected in 2013 and B, 408 isolates collected in 2014, from a total of 35 wheat fields in 15 U.S. states and tested on 12 Pm genes. Analysis restricted to genes on which all isolates were tested. For each isolate, virulence complexity = (number of Pm genes to which the isolate was virulent/12 Pm genes tested in both years) × 100.

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    Pathotype diversity and spatial aggregation.

    The number of different pathotypes in the sample was 64 in 2013 and 50 in 2014. The number of pathotypes sampled per field varied from a low of 3 to a high of 24 (Table 3). Measures of pathotype richness and diversity showed a considerable range. For example, Shannon’s diversity index varied from 0.32 to 2.57. Pathotype richness, which takes sample size into account, varied from 1.8 to 9.2. Considering the simple average across fields, mean pathotype richness for each region was 6.3 to 6.7, except for the Southeast, which was 5.7. Three Southeast fields had notably low pathotype diversity (richness 1.8 to 3.5). Leaving aside the two AR-MO fields, the other four regions were all represented in both the top and bottom 10 fields for both Shannon’s diversity and pathotype richness. This suggested that in any region, a field-level epidemic could be started by relatively few or many pathotypes (e.g., some epidemics started from a small pool of genetic individuals and others from a large pool).

    Fields also varied significantly in the extent to which sampling sites within them gave evidence of pathotype distribution, as measured by Sorenson’s distance and the prob(cooccur) (Table 3). Sorenson’s distance, a measure of pathotype specificity by site, varied from 0.15 (sites tended to have unique sets of pathotypes) to 0.96 (sites tended to have common sets of pathotypes), with higher values tending to be found in fields with greater pathotype richness. Prob(cooccur) varied from a low of 0.06 to a high of 0.36; thus, the upper limit was not high in absolute terms. When these two measures of pathotype specificity by site within field were plotted against pathotype richness, a common pattern was observed (Fig. 4). When pathotype richness was low, Sorenson distance was low and prob(cooccur) was high, indicating that sets of specific pathotypes tended to be nonrandomly associated with certain sites in the field. When pathotype richness was high, Sorenson distance was high and prob(cooccur) was low, indicating that sites did not share common pathotypes. For intermediate levels of pathotype richness, both of the pathotype aggregation measures had a wider range, meaning that, in some fields, pathotypes were less specifically associated with site and in other fields more so.

    Fig. 4.

    Fig. 4. Spatial homogeneity of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici pathotypes within 28 wheat fields sampled in 2013 and 2014 in 15 U.S. states, plotted against pathotype richness for those fields. A, Pathotype uniqueness by site and B, pathotype similarity among sites within a field. Large Sorenson distances indicate sites had distinct sets of pathotypes; prob(cooccur) = the degree of similarity among sites that shared one or more pathotypes.

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    Taking pathotype diversity and spatial aggregation measures into account, it appeared that some epidemics were started with larger, more well-mixed populations of pathotypes and, thus, provided a high degree of pathotype diversity in which pathotypes were not clustered or aggregated within specific parts of the field. Other epidemics began with a smaller number of pathotypes, and there was more pathotype clustering or aggregation within the field. Neither scenario appeared specific to geographic region (Table 3).


    Virulence surveys of the U.S. B. graminis f. sp. tritici population have now occurred three times at approximately one-decade intervals, and have highlighted evolution of the population in response to certain genes. This survey is the largest to date in number of isolates tested, although the 1993-to-1994 survey (Niewoehner and Leath 1998) covered a similar geographic range. It was significantly larger than the 2003-to 2005 survey (Parks et al. 2008) due to the inclusion of locations in the Great Lakes and Plains region. The present survey is also the first to utilize a hierarchical sampling scheme to illuminate within-field distribution of pathotype diversity.

    Virulence of B. graminis f. sp. tritici populations has also been recently characterized in Australia (Golzar et al. 2016), China (Zeng et al. 2014), and Egypt (Abdelrhim et al. in press). Virulence frequencies varied for some genes; for instance, Pm1a was effective in the United States but ineffective in Australia, China, and parts of Egypt. Common to all four countries, however, was that the fungal populations were virulent to many or most older Pm genes tested, suggesting the need to carefully utilize those Pm genes that are commercially deployed and still effective, as well as new mildew resistance genes that are introgressed into wheat.

    We hypothesized there would be differences in the virulence frequencies of the B. graminis f. sp. tritici populations from different U.S. regions. What we did not anticipate was the clear differences the survey would illuminate between the B. graminis f. sp. tritici population of the Plains hard-wheat region and those of the soft-wheat regions of the eastern United States. The Plains population distinguished itself by having low virulence or avirulence to Pm2, Pm3a, Pm3b, and Pm4a, all of which were defeated in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast regions by 2003 (Parks et al. 2008). It also had a greater intermediate percent virulence to Pm3f and Pm6 than isolates from other regions. The Plains B. graminis f. sp. tritici population was also more sensitive to triazole fungicides than the population originating on soft wheat (unpublished data). The maintenance of this distinct hard-wheat pathogen population is possible because of the U.S. B. graminis f. sp. tritici migration pattern, which features west-to-east but not east-to-west migration (Cowger et al. 2016).

    Despite their geographic proximity, the Plains hard-wheat B. graminis f. sp. tritici population and the soft-wheat population west of the Mississippi River (AR-MO population) exhibited significant pathotypical differences. The AR-MO population generally behaved like the eastern soft-wheat population but had low virulence to Pm2, like the Plains population. Unique among the regions, AR-MO had low to intermediate virulence to Pm8.

    Overall, this pattern suggests that the selective influence of genes deployed in hard- versus soft-wheat germplasm has affected virulence frequencies differentially, even in adjacent geographies. It also supports the model proposed for this pathogen population (Cowger et al. 2016), in which isolation by distance operates over relatively small geographic scales and wheat powdery mildew epidemics are rekindled annually from local sources.

    Our results indicated that VC was highest in the east and diminished going west. Even within the soft-wheat region, VC declined in the soft-wheat states west of the Mississippi (Missouri and Arkansas). Although, in 2013, VC was highest in the Great Lakes, in 2014, the “center of complexity” shifted to the southeast, and VC skewed higher when averaged across the entire sampled area. Although the current study did not include B. graminis f. sp. tritici isolates from Kentucky or Indiana, according to our predictions, those states should have among the highest-VC populations in the United States. In fact, in spring 2016, eight single-pustuled B. graminis f. sp. tritici isolates from Lexington, KY were derived, purified, and virulence tested in the same manner as in the present study. For the 13 Pm genes used in the present study, the 2016 Kentucky isolates had a mean VC of 56% (data not shown). The isolates all had distinct multilocus virulence profiles, indicating they were not clones. This level of VC conforms to the predictions for Kentucky in Figure 3A and B. Interestingly, wheat powdery mildew epidemics are rare in Kentucky (D. Van Sanford, personal communication).

    In the same vein, a sample was also obtained in spring 2016 from a spring wheat field near Geraldine, MT, which is 1,300 to 1,600 km northwest of the 2013 and 2014 Plains locations and, thus, geographically well outside the present sampling area. For the 13 Pm genes used in the present study, a set of 17 Montana isolates had a mean VC of 36% (data not shown), which is similar to the levels observed in the Plains locations in the current study (Fig. 3A and B). This suggested that the trend toward lower VC in the Plains may hold constant in B. graminis f. sp. tritici populations much farther to the west. Of course, that would need to be tested with a larger sample. Furthermore, the Montana isolates exhibited the same pattern (data not shown) of avirulence to Pm3a and Pm3b but not to Pm2 or Pm4a that distinguished the Plains population from the eastern-U.S. population in the present study.

    These observations support the characterization of a B. graminis f. sp. tritici population that has evolved to maximum VC in the eastern United States, and remains avirulent in the central and perhaps also the western United States to certain Pm genes that are defeated farther east. It also supports the findings of Cowger et al. (2016) that the U.S. B. graminis f. sp. tritici population is not random mating across its full geographical extent but, rather, is geographically subdivided, and lacks westward migration out of the eastern soft-wheat population.

    The study also revealed a curious pattern in which certain Pm genes recently introgressed from diploid wild wheat relatives were ineffective against soft-wheat B. graminis f. sp. tritici isolates in tests on detached seedling leaves, yet effective against a soft-wheat field population of the pathogen. With three of these four genes, the Plains B. graminis f. sp. tritici population originating from hard wheat did not evoke this anomaly. In the case of the Kentucky and Montana isolates from 2016 mentioned above, Kentucky isolates performed similarly to Mid-Atlantic isolates on Pm25, Pm34, Pm35, and NCA6, with high levels of intermediate and full virulence (≤0.75, data not shown) in the detached-leaf tests. The Montana isolates performed just as the 2013-to-2014 Plains isolates against Pm 25, Pm34, and NCA6 but displayed universal virulence to Pm35 in detached leaves (56% of isolates were intermediate and 44% fully virulent).

    The reasons for the partial susceptibility of these four recently introgressed genes in the laboratory detached-leaf setting are unclear. Pm17 also exhibited high levels of intermediate responses but this gene is defeated in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast and perhaps in other regions as well. It has been deployed in several regions, including the Plains (for greenbug resistance), the Southeast, and the Mid-Atlantic. Its defeat in commercial deployment was widely observed in the years 2009 to 2012. By contrast, Pm25, Pm34, Pm35, and NCA6 have not yet been broadly utilized in commercial production. These genes were introgressed from T. monococcum subsp. aegilopoides (AA), A. tauschii subsp. tauschii (DD), and A. tauschii subsp. strangulata (DD). The Pm genes recently introgressed from wild relatives that were consistently resistant not only under North Carolina field conditions but also against all isolates tested on detached leaves (Pm37, MlAG12, NCAG13, and MlUM15) were introgressed from tetraploid donors T. timopheevii (AAGG) and A. neglecta (UUMM) and from diploid A. speltoides (SS). However, it is not known whether these varying origins account for the different performance of the resistance sources.

    The inconsistency between detached-leaf and field results in the performance of recently introgressed genes Pm25, Pm34, Pm35, and NCA6 illustrates the importance of maintaining field nurseries of single-gene differential lines to complement laboratory tests. If those genes are used in breeding programs outside the Mid-Atlantic region, where they perform well, it would be valuable to plant their single-gene differential lines in the field for confirmation of their efficacy against other regional B. graminis f. sp. tritici populations.

    The present results are the first to compare mildewed wheat fields across a broad range of U.S. growing areas with respect to the diversity of pathotypes found within them. They suggest that epidemics are started by widely varying numbers of genetic individuals: in some fields by just a few strains and in other fields by larger, well-mixed populations of strains. It is also possible that within-season competition affected the numbers of pathotypes found, with different outcomes in different fields. In our study, within-season fitness of strains was probably determined by factors other than pathotype, because samples came from susceptible crops. Previously, nearly every sampled B. graminis f. sp. tritici individual was a different genotype (Cowger et al. 2016) by simple-sequence repeat markers, if not necessarily by pathotype, and, thus, samples such as the present one are likely not the product of repeated resampling of the same bulked-up clone to any significant degree.

    It should also be kept in mind that most epidemics probably do not start just once in time but through multiple inoculations, and this may have contributed to the variability in pathotype richness that was observed. Indeed, this factor may have played a role in the different levels of whole-field pathotype homogeneity that we observed (e.g., some epidemics may have been started in one part of the field by one or more specific pathotypes, different from those that initiated disease development, perhaps at another time, in other parts of the field). The fields with high levels of pathotype richness had variable degrees of pathotype homogeneity by site, suggesting that there was variability in how well mixed the initiating pathotypes were, the timing and location at which they arrived, or both.

    The number of genetic individuals that initiate a B. graminis f. sp. tritici epidemic probably depends considerably on the amount of wheat stubble present, the mildew susceptibility and consequent level of disease development in nearby previous wheat crops, oversummering conditions, and weather conditions at epidemic onset. The fact that mean pathotype richness was lower in the Southeast than in the other sampled regions suggests that the B. graminis f. sp. tritici population in that region undergoes genetic bottlenecks, perhaps due to patchier wheat cultivation or the greater difficulties of oversummering in a hotter climate. This would result in fewer virulence haplotypes. It is also possible that fewer Pm genes have historically been deployed in the Southeast, where powdery mildew has not generally been a significant problem in wheat production.

    In conclusion, the survey highlighted genes that should be useful for mildew resistance breeding in all geographic regions of the United States where mildew is present. Among the older genes, Pm1a and Pm1b were universally effective, and another gene, Pm4b, also retained at least some efficacy across the sampled area. The research also confirmed that older genes defeated in the eastern soft-wheat region such as Pm2, Pm3a, Pm3b, and Pm4a continue to retain efficacy in the Plains environment, likely due to differing Pm gene selection pressures and west-to-east migration.

    Furthermore, several recently introgressed mildew resistance genes from wild wheat relatives (Pm37, Pm53, MlAG12, NCAG13, and MlUM15) exhibited full resistance to all local B. graminis f. sp. tritici populations from across the sampled area. Pm25, Pm34, Pm35, and NCA6 are also likely to be effective over a wide geographic area, despite the odd results from their detached-leaf tests. These new Pm genes, which are not yet in widespread commercial use, should have greater durability if they are commercially deployed in stacks or in genetic backgrounds with high levels of quantitative resistance (Burdon et al. 2014; Quenouille et al. 2013). It is recommended to use these genes in that manner, given the difficulty of locating new sources of resistance and the propensity of B. graminis f. sp. tritici to rapidly overcome Pm genes. Germplasm is available from the authors upon request.


    We thank E. T. Cole, M. Hargrove, R. Parks, and R. Whetten for virulence assays and assistance with data; and collaborators B. Allen, T. Allen, G. Bergstrom, A. Blount, B. Bockus, K. Bowen, A. Collins, K. Davies, J. DeDecker, R. Ethredge, T. Gafnea, B. Hunger, J. Kichler, G. Milus, D. Moore, M. Nagelkirk, B. Olson, P. Paul, G. Roth, A. Sawyer, M. Stanyard, L. Sweets, B. Verbeten, and S. Wegulo for providing mildew samples from the field.


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